Dear all, the machine-readable format for Debian copyright files proposed in DEP 5 has been stable for many monthes, is supported by multiple parsers and Lintian, and is getting frequently used in new packages (at least from what I see from debian-mentors, debian-med and debian-perl). I think that it is time to wrap it up and publish it.
Its freshest source is the file ‘copyright-format/copyright-format.xml’ in the debian-policy package, that can be browsed on line at the following URL.;a=blob;f=copyright-format/copyright-format.xml Its conversion to HTML is available on the DEP web site. In order get the DEP in a publishable step, a few points need to be polished or corrected. The following page lists the currently open issues. Your help and input is very appreciated.;include=subject%3Acopyright-format In particular, one of the current bottlenecks is the lack of “seconds”, that is, statements from Debian developers that they agree that the proposed changes are sound, and that they reflect consensus. As a personal comment I would like to mention that this lack of peer-reviewers is not specific to DEP 5, but to many open issues to the Debian Policy itself. Help is, I think, very welcome. One of the last points where consensus is lacking for DEP 5 is whether its wording is satisfactory or not. As a first step to resolve that question, I asked for proofreading on the debian-l10n-english mailing list, and Justin B Rye kindly prepared a patch, that I submitted to the BTS. Please participate to the discussion if you think that other non-normative clarifications or corrections to the text are needed. Have a nice day, -- Charles Plessy Tsurumi, Kanagawa, Japan -- To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact Archive: