The Debian Project, as a whole and generally speaking, is still having
difficulties to spread the word about the good work done here.

The Publicity Team should be informed by the other Teams, for example. The
Project is too big to the small team know all things happening.
The publicity team welcomes more skilled man power.
Sometime ago, new skilled non-techies became interested in it and started
collaborating and improved the efforts.
The debian-publicity list is the focal point of contact to the publicity,
marketing and partner efforts.
DPN is a first rate one for us, imho. We should have more press contacts to
bring DPN to press attention around the world.
And use the other channels, like social media, events and web casts too. 
You could remember that "advertising" things evolved for Debian last 2 years
(hey, we have a new site layout! and a coordinated  desktop theme!), but we are
still too shy to tell about the good work done. While other distros excell at

Debian Project is more than a tech super-market buried at the 10th level
basement for others "polish and sell" at the mall.
Debian Project is like a "multi-front" tech effort, stretching limits of
collective useful work and something a "working umbrella" for more sub projects,
while delivering a "flagship product".
Should we identify ourselves as "foundation like" as Apache (for example)?
Should we enhance visibility of the sub-projects (debian-desktop needs you) and
Pure Blends?
Should we tell more about CUT and the Security Team and Release Team process
improvements that could allow 5 year stable support?
Should not we be proud of doing the things "right way" instead of
"share-holders-first way"? 

Andre Felipe

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