Hello, Martin You could obtain better answers at http://lists.debian.org/debian-user/ but I will try to help with some hints. At user lists there are more people involved with day to day hw and sw issues. Further technical questions should be done there.
Guessing that a suitable architecture is i386. Also, assuming that is a desktop, you could choose Gnome, Kde, Xfce, Lxde graphical environments prepared CDs. The default is Gnome, and other option is Kde; both full-blown desktops, but they "could" be "too heavy" for your hardware. Xfce and Lxde are lightweight desktop environments that may also meet your needs. Take a look at feature lists and screenshots at these sites to decide yourself http://www.gnome.org http://www.kde.org http://www.xfce.org http://www.lxde.org There are even some prepared live CD images for them all that you could try yourself before actually installing: http://live.debian.net/ Regards. Andre Felipe