On Mon, Feb 25, 2008, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:

> >    At the various conferences I attended I have paid much attention to
> > how other distributions and FOSS projects were promoting their work, and
> > despite us often having t-shirts, stickers and posters like the others,
> > we really miss a few things which would make Debian as appealing as
> > other, dynamic projects.
>  Hmm, I wonder if you never attended any of the Debian events in Germany
> or Austria, because over here we have these things. There is a quite
> living team around this that has a larger variety of goods like shirts,
> keychains, posters and of course the flyers which are translated into
> many languages and have an alioth project for them:
> <http://debian-flyers.alioth.debian.org/>
>  Also the Debian UK people have a broad selection of shirts, did you
> miss such events, too? I'm not saying that things can't get improved, I
> am just totally puzzled by your wording and you making it sound like
> that there isn't anything around these days...

   Er, you are obviously overinterpreting what I said. I know we have
all those things. However, in most conferences I attend, the Debian
booth (when there is one) looks very dull in comparison to what I can
see from GNOME, Ubuntu etc. (not mentioning the age difference, which
makes us look serious but also not fun, sadly)

> >    I would like to set up a Debian Marketing Team, whose work would
> > be to organise all the promotional stuff (logos, t-shirt designs,
> > wallpapers, etc.) so that the project can officially endorse good
> > designs, and to make the ultimate decision on visual stuff such as CD
> > covers, splash screens, etc.
>  I also wonder if you really missed the
> <http://www.debian.org/events/material> part of our website?

   I definitely did not miss it. Actually, it's after seeing that page
that one would most likely understand my worries. Of course I want to
improve on that page. I would like something that doesn't link to pages
whose latest news are from the XXth century [1][2]. We are the biggest
Linux distribution, we can certainly get more professional material.
Have you seen how pixelated the posters are? The JPEG artifacts on the
gnu made my eyes bleed.

> The /events/ pages are on our website for ages but more and more get
> (actively?) ignored by a big part of Debian - but they aren't hidden in
> any way and were always happy to welcome help. Do you want to start off
> completely new - if so, why? If not, why didn't you mention the current
> available stuff?

   I want to draw people interested in helping who are not going to be
busy writing code instead on focusing on that task. That doesn't seem to
be incompatible with your expectations, don't you think?

[1] http://gnuart.onshore.com/
[2] http://people.debian.org/~akumria/posters/


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