Gunnar Wolf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Steve McIntyre dijo [Sat, Aug 04, 2007 at 05:54:12PM +0100]:
>> Did we ever agree a policy about what's acceptable/reasonable for
>> blog feeds linked from planet.d.o? I'm very tempted to disable Ian
>> Murdock's Solaris propaganda, for example...
>> Thoughts?
> I see the planet as just the collection of weblogs of people involved
> in Debian - Including personal stuff, fun stuff, random ideas - And of
> course, interesting Debian- or just FS- related projects and
> discussion. I don't think we need a content polic[ye] of any sort.
> But then again: Ian Murdock is there because he is the Debian founder,
> right? I do not know if nowadays he is in any actual way _related to_
> Debian. Yes, not all Planet members are DDs (nor should they, of
> course!), but they are better or worse connected to the project. Is
> Ian so?

Maybe we might contact him and ask him to set the feed for a proper
tag or something so planet won't get all his posts. That would be a
better solution.

But yes, I do think that we should at least try to keep planet without
much noise otherwise it'll get boring to read and lose its meaning.

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