On 3/16/07, Simon Huggins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Fri, Mar 16, 2007 at 04:26:15PM +0100, Pierre Habouzit wrote:
>   Well, I'm still not sure wether DM is a good thing or not in fact. But
> I'd say it has te be experimented yes. If we are going that road, Then
> I've two people to recommend for this: Fathi and Yves-Alexis Perez that
> is our one-man xfce-team (at least judging the XFCE Team recent activity
> I think he is doing 99% of the job), and that is truck in NM because is
> AM has still not sent his AM report (for almost 4 monthes).

>   For Corsac (Yves-Alexis) it's not the best solution, but at least he
> would not depend upon a sponsor anymore for the XFCE uploads, and I'm
> sure it will be a spine out of his foot.

I've worked with Yves-Alexis on xfce packaging and sponsored some of his
work into the project or uploaded work that was from the team with large
contributions from him.  I can't fault his work or dedication and when
I've pointed things out to him or raised issues in general he's been
very responsive in getting things in our repository - certainly more
responsive than I've been of late.

He certainly deserves to get a key in a keyring.  As far as I'm aware,
he's just waiting on a report from his AM (daf) currently having passed
all the NM tests before he waits on DAM.

I'm sure Emanuele Rocca who works on xfce with us would have similarly
nice things to say.

I'm not sure how aj's 30 sponsored uploads works for teams.  I've signed
and uploaded packages (having tested them and built them in pbuilder)
for the xfce project where the actual packaging work done by a
particular person is at times hard to tell.  Given xfce has many source
packages to upload when upstream just rolls out a new release this might
count or might not but I can certainly attest to corsac's bug processing
and packaging skills.

In any case, Yves-Alexis deserves to be pushed through NM or get his key
in this DM keyring whichever comes first.

I'm unable to sign this message now, but can resend it after if
needed. I second Fathi and Yves-Alexis as DM's or DDs, whatever comes
first, due to their work for a better Debian Desktop as key
contributors. Fathi into pkg-kde and debian-desktop and Yves-Alexis
into pkg-xfce and debian-desktop.

-- stratus

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