On Wed, Jan 31, 2007 at 12:28:58AM -0600, Manoj Srivastava wrote:
>         As far as I am aware, the position of the Debian project wrt
>  to patents has been to ignore the possibility, until and unless
>  challenged by the patent holder. There is certainly no problem in
>  releasing the program under a free license.  While I can't speak for
>  the FTP masters, vague fears that something _might_ violate some
>  unidentified patent somewhere is not something that has been used to
>  keep packages out of Debian.
There have been some new subdomains created as easier forms of
communication wrt debian (some unofficial and some not) like
times.debian.net and release.debian.org. Would it be useful or desired
to create a central location, as opposed to doing 
'site:debian.org position statement' in google, to view these official
positions that Debian has issued, possibly for media consumption and
for others looking to know Debians position on popularly discussed
issues? Not including say the social contract
page or people.debian.org entries that some folks like yourself have.
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