Henning Makholm wrote:
> Scripsit Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au>
>> Okay, so this is just my idea. Add grains of salt to taste, etc.
>> The idea is to take the Debian "official use" logo [0] which we've
>> never really made much use of, and declare it the logo for derivatives
>> instead. Add the word "distilled" [1] underneath, and you could describe
>> a derivative something like this:
> I'm not much for co-opting the bottle logo like this. True, it is
> seldom used, but some people do know what it is currently supposed to
> mean, and it will create confusion to start using it for something
> completely opposite.
> How about someting like
> <http://henning.makholm.net/debian/debianbased.png>
> which shows Debian rolling out the red carpet for derivates? :-)
Henning was nice enough to send me his source, and I played around with
it to get this:

I really wish I had a better way to do the carpet's flair, but I
couldn't think of one. Any graphics people are welcome to improve on this.


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