On 7/29/06, Manoj Srivastava <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On Sat, 29 Jul 2006 16:16:53 +0000, Gustavo Franco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> On 7/29/06, Matthew Palmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> On Sat, Jul 29, 2006 at 02:49:34AM +0000, Gustavo Franco wrote:
>> > Hello, i thought Debian project was a big team. If people here
>> > don't want to work in a team, we're going nowhere.
>> Two words for you: Fred Brooks.

> More two for you: Be polite.

        What is so impolite in pointing you to an excellent reference,
 and gently reminding you that increasing team size (to, say, the
 number of Debian contributors)  is detrimental to product quality and
 ability to deliver on time?

Manoj, it's clear he was trolling, it was far from gently reminding me, come on.

>> > I think that force is the wrong term, we should encourage and in
>> > some cases require to avoid single point of failure, IMHO.
>> "require" and "force" certainly seem like the same term to me.

> "in some cases" and "in all cases" are different terms to me.

        So we only force people to be on a team "in some critical
 cases"? Still sounds like a bad idea to me.

What's your problem with me? Henrique wrote the same thing some
messages ago, why you keep replying everything i post here?

If i'm right, your point here is to keep the things as they're, teams
and individuals maintaining stuff without any changes from the
procedures we're following now. If yes, make it clear and reply my
messages like you do with others, right now it seems that you've
decided to attack me.

>> When you work out how to channel-bond human-to-human
>> communications, we'll talk.  Until then, please fix actual problems
>> instead of making broad statements with no actual benefit.

> Great comment to do for somebody writing "IMHO", "I think" and stuff
> like that.

        First you chastize me for not speaking for myself, and then
 when someone does, you yell at them for doing so.

I did it yes, i thought you were wearing your "captain cap" and make
jokes about if i'm subscribed to private or not. Who cares?

Btw, your sentence have nothing to do with my view on Matthew's reply.
I said to Matthew that he was being rude and told me to fix
human-to-human communication. It wasn't "Matthew shut up and/or speak
by yourself". Do you see?

        Wonderful consistency :)

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-- stratus

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