On Tue, May 16, 2006 at 07:28:17AM +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
> On Monday 15 May 2006 06:18, Anthony Towns wrote:
> > It means that if you wish to continue maintaining them, you need to do
> > so independently of the Debian Install System Team, which is listed as
> > the current maintainer, and of which you are no longer a member. If you
> > wish to consult with your co-maintainers for those packages (Matt Kraai
> > and Stephen R Marenka for nobootloader, and Cajus Pollmeier for
> > partman-prep) and setup a new source control repository, that's
> > entirely appropriate.
> [...]
> > You're no longer a member of the d-i team; if they wish to keep those
> > packages' source in their subversion repository, it doesn't matter to
> > you at all. If they wish to maintain a fork compared to your packages,
> > that's fine too. If other members of the d-i team wish to maintain it
> > in your stead, they probably will be expected to justify that change as
> > a package hijack, depending on what your co-maintainers think of the
> > situation.
> I actually do not agree with these statements for the reasons outlined in:
> http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=366938;msg=50

/me is awaiting with impatience the fix to partman-prep on PReP and IBM CHRP


Sven Luther

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