Sorry for the late answer, but I was in Turkey.

Am 2006-03-13 20:20:00, schrieb Benjamin Seidenberg:

> How many Joe/Jane users do you think can handle the complexity and 
> different paradigm required by mutt? These mailers are easy to use, and 

The question is:    What is complex?

I have splited the muttrc in smaller logical files and coded a simpel
xdialog interface which can someone use to configure mutt basicly.

But where is the problem?

If you have a GUI, you must read, where to set options.
Same if you open your muttrc in your prefered editor.

So its only an excuise for braidamaged Windows-Users.

AND, -- how often do you change your setings?

I have changed my muttrc the last time for 2 or three years.
Only added some lists to my "subscribe" include

> are well integrated into the desktop environment. Most importantly, they 
> offer GUI/Point-and-Click interfaces so that they are easy to use.

Where is the different between "r", "L" and "g" and the mouse?

I read and write my Messages with my hands and these are laying
on my Keyboard.  If there are no Keybindings I need a Mouse, for
which I must leave my Keyboard...  This is non-productiv!

> (I want to set up mutt eventually, but I don't have the time to relearn 
> mail at the mmomment. Perhaps this summer).

What do you want to learn?

I was switchin in 03/1999 from WfW3.11/NT4.0 to Debian entirely,
one day to another after someone borke into my appartement and
had stolen my whole M$ Software for more then 80.000 US$.

Becasue M$ wont replace and I had no money, I had to switch to
GNU/Linux.  Now I am since 7 years M$-Free!

Oh the MUA...  It was Eudora Lite/Pro and the I have use mutt.
the defaults are allready suitable for working under Debian.

> Again, how many Joe users are going to install extensions or mess around 
> with their prefs.js to set up arbitrary headers ("headers? what are 
> those")? This sort of thing has to work out of the box for everyone.

Do they need such stuff?  What "arbitrary headers" should the set?
I do not knoe one, which must be set, to post/reply correctly to

    Michelle Konzack

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
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