Am 2006-03-13 16:02:18, schrieb Margarita Manterola:

> Thunderbird is a very respected MUA.  There's a big group of people
> who don't feel comfortable writing mails from mutt (or the like), and
> I don't think it's such a good idea to take into account only people
> who can use a console-client to be able to receive a reply on a
> mailing-list.

Sorry Margarita, but now I am around 7 years on Debian lists (First
with Eudora 3 under WfW 3.11 and then Debian with mutt) and except
Copy-and-Past I miss nothing with mutt.

I have troied to use Mozilla-Mail as well as Thunderbird, but those
are crap, specialy if I try to read Mails offline and get HTML-Mails
which try to download tonns of pics...

> We are not talking about developers, we are talking about anyone who
> needs to send a mail to a mailing-list and get a reply.

I am developper and normal-user.  Encourage developers of MUA's to
code List-Reply stuff...

> Also, it's not like we are discussing about mailers for a propietary
> OS, but it's a free mailer that works inside Debian.

...where some Developpers of MUA's thinking, they must make the
Linuxpedants compatibel with BS ware from a proprietary OS.

> I think that we need to take a bit more consideration for people who
> are not so technically-able but that might still have something to
> say, or rather, something to get answers to.
> Also, the list policy says that you don't send CCs by default, but
> that you'll send a CC if asked to, so I'd say it's pretty much our job
> to make sure that the mail goes where it should.

Right and never I have ask for Cc: because I am on 68 Debian Lists.

I get per day arround 20-40 Cc's which make my live hard to reply.
Specialy if $STUPIDUSER set me into Bcc: where I can not determiner
whether it is a Cc: or not.  Peoples sending unwanted Cc: to me
bother me and they can not expect an answer from me.

+---[ '/home/michelle.konzack/.procmail/FLT_cced' ]-------------------
| ####################################################################
| # 
| # FLT_cced
| # 
| ####################################################################
| LOG=$TDPID"FLT_cced          : pass$NL"
| :0
| * ^Envelope-to:.*(linux4michelle|sun4michelle)
| {
|   :0
|   * ^TO_.*(bind-users|||
|   .ATTENTION.FLT_cced/
|   :0
|   .ATTENTION.FLT_cced/
|   :0
|   .ATTENTION.FLT_cced/
| }

Here I filter stuff from list where I know some stupid
peoples sending all the day tonns of Cc: to me...

    Michelle Konzack
    Tamay Dogan Network
    Debian GNU/Linux Consultant

Linux-User #280138 with the Linux Counter,
##################### Debian GNU/Linux Consultant #####################
Michelle Konzack   Apt. 917                  ICQ #328449886
                   50, rue de Soultz         MSM LinuxMichi
0033/3/88452356    67100 Strasbourg/France   IRC #Debian (

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