On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 08:03:03AM -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
> * Sven Luther ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 07, 2005 at 12:30:39AM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
> > > The debian trademark policy says no businesses get to use
> > > the mark.  Why should this selling association, which ignores
> > > good practice, get a swift exception, while Ian Murdock's
> > > development association gets referred for negotiations?
> > 
> > Because, quite simply, they are not a business, at least in the sense that 
> > was
> > meant at the above.
> I'm not so sure I agree with this interpretation...  When we claim to
> not sell products, and therefore claim to be non-commercial, I'd have to
> say that I'd expect anything which does sell products or is commercial
> would be considered a business to us.

Oh come on, do you have an idea of the volume involved ? And as far as i know,
debian is a software project, not a tshirt-and-mug-and-whatnot selling one.

> > I mean, take LinuxTag for example, there where guys there at the debian 
> > booth
> > selling t-shirts and stuff, don't know the detail, but nobody bashed them 
> > for
> > doing business in debian name, and i believe as long as the money is not 
> > given
> > out to share-holders, but is for debian (either as plain donation, or 
> > expensed
> > for debian related stuff, like stock renewal and the ocassional yearly 
> > party),
> > then everything is fine and you are just silly in claiming the contrary.
> Either Debian's going to be a commercial entity or it's not.  I'd
> brought this issue up before (on d-d I believe) and got shot down by a
> number of people for proposing that we try to supplement our cash
> reserves by selling things and perhaps some day be able to pay for our
> own hosting, etc.

So ? Jumping in it this whole mess instead of doing a proper proposal will
hardly bring you a more serious hearing from most here (well, at least not
from me).

> > And BTW, anyway, does the debian trademark extend to textile and such ? Or 
> > is
> > it only restricted to software products ?
> That's an interesting question and not really very well phrased and so
> is kind of difficult to answer.

That is bullshit, and you perfectly know it. Anyone with the less knowledge
about trademark know that they are not all encompassing, but that you have to
declare field of endeavour or whatever it is called. In france if you delclare
a trademark you get to fill for 3-4 fields for the same price for example.

I guess that the debian trademark covers software and other computer related
product, but does it covers drinks, carpentry, toys for children, vestimentary
stuff, kitchen equipements and so on ? (well, not quite sure about the
categories, but software and tshirt definitvely don't fall in the same


Sven Luther

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