Hello Thomas,

I have already send two Messages to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> in a delay
of two month and like to know, how long does it take to be included ?
Over two month to wait is definitiv to much.


Am 2005-07-06 11:00:06, schrieb Thomas Huriaux:
> Hi,
> According to the policy for the consultants page [1], the consultant
> must answer e-mails within four weeks. All the not recently
> updated/added consultants have been pinged, and we are still waiting for
> an answer from the 245 consultants in the attached list.
> They will receive a last chance e-mail in the next few days, and will be
> removed one week after this mail if they don't answer.
> [1] http://www.nl.debian.org/consultants/#policy
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Thomas Huriaux

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