* Manoj Srivastava ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> On Mon, 13 Dec 2004 12:53:46 -0500, Stephen Frost <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said: 
> > * Martin Schulze ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> >> Honestly, I cannot imagine a reason, why the Debian projects should
> >> turn their web pages into commercial web pages by adding Google ads
> >> to them.
> > It's not clear to me that having ads would make them 'commercial'.
> > This would be something that would have to be run by the appropriate
> > people at SPI.  I doubt tbm would have brought it up if it would
> > cause a problem for the non-profit status of SPI.
>       Apart from money, is there any benefit to the free software
>  community?

It's amazing what money can buy?  It's possible it could be used to get
some things open sourced which aren't already available (which I believe
has been done in the past), it could be used for additional obscure
hardware, it could be used to help Debian developers meet face-to-face
which aids in coordination...


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