I'm writing to you because I visited your web site http://www.debian.org/, and I think it is amazing!
And what really fascinated me was the great amounts of interesting and useful
information regarding VoIP!
And what really fascinated me was the great amounts of interesting and useful
information regarding VoIP!
I thought you might be interested to know that we also have a web site and it is
dedicated to VoIP Articles, VoIP Products, VoIP Protocols and much more.
But why am I telling you this?
The reason is that I hope that you might consider linking to us and invite you to
review our site at your convenience.
dedicated to VoIP Articles, VoIP Products, VoIP Protocols and much more.
But why am I telling you this?
The reason is that I hope that you might consider linking to us and invite you to
review our site at your convenience.
If you decide that a link to our site is appropriate, please spare a few minutes to add it
at your discretion!
What we suggest is the following link and description:
at your discretion!
What we suggest is the following link and description:
VoIP Hardware and Software Overview
VoIP Portal with all inforamtion you need to know about VoIP. Fundamentals and how to implement VoIP, technologies, providers, products, books, reviews, and white pages, forum, link to recommended hardware and software.
VoIP Portal with all inforamtion you need to know about VoIP. Fundamentals and how to implement VoIP, technologies, providers, products, books, reviews, and white pages, forum, link to recommended hardware and software.
Well, I hope you will be interested in our offer!
And if you'd like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact us
And if you'd like to discuss this further, please feel free to contact us
We all will be looking forward to a responce from you!
Thank you for reading this e-mail!
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