> Panos wrote:
> | The official name of the country is FYROM.. Suggesting Macedonia instead
> | of FYROM is like suggesting America instead of USA.. Both countries
> (FYROM and Greece)
> | agreed using this name.
> Yes this is very true, but I don't recall thata Republic of Macedonia
> have such agreement with any other country, company, distribution,
> esspecially not with things related with Debian. Even M$ agrred to
> change these settings. 
Since it is not official there will be reactions. Noone wants 
that happen..

> By the way, when we were joinig UN, there was
> only ONE vote against our name (from Greece) nad all other countries
> accepted our name Republic of Macedonia. 

This is a political statement. It seems a little bit offtopic.

> Agreement with Greece is
> internal mater, and I don't see how it can influence on this topic.

Greeks and Macedonian(Slav) are members of the Debian Community.

> Do I have to mention that we gave to the world Cyrilc Alphabet?

This is a political statement. It seems a little bit offtopic.

Debian users are not the appropriate to solve the problem of naming
a country. We use the official name and we don't mess up with politics..
Why do you suggest using a name that is not accepted by all Debian users
(I don't mean 1 or 2 of course but hundrends) since it is not official?
It is reasonable that it will cause reactions.. Do you want to cause
 reactions? I do not..

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