Thank you for your reply, Roger.

At Thu, 2 Sep 2004 14:56:15 +0800,
Roger So wrote:
> Sorry for the long silence... but things are moving along. In fact I
> just talked with Yukata Niibe and others about this over lunch. (Both
> of us are attending the 4th Asia OSS Symposium.)

I see. Let's begin to coordinate the conference.

> It is now almost certain that the next Asia OSS Symposium will be in
> Beijing between 2-4 March 2005. The Asia Debian miniconf will take
> place 2 days before that, at the same location.

I think it is not so expensive to go to Beijing from Japan, but it
would be cold in the season :-)

By the way, can we make hacking time like debcamp? It is a good chance
to hack for Debian.

> > The following page was made by Martin 'joey' Schulze about LinuxTag
> > 2004 arrangement. It should be help you.
> Thanks for the link; I'll look into it.

Ouch, I don't know that the joey's page is permitted to open in public.
How about you, joey?
NOKUBI Takatsugu

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