On Mon, Apr 12, 2004 at 07:16:02PM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
> On 2004-04-12 10:51:19 +0100 Andreas Barth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I think you're right. We should not accept that someone use the Term
> >"Debian" and our logo for promoting his own services, especially as he
> >didn't provide any value to debian (at least as far as I could see).
> They are only using "Debian" to refer to Debian and they do not claim 
> to be Debian themselves, as far as I can see (but maybe I missed it).
> It would be nice if there were a few more obvious links, but I'm not 
> sure we can stop them. At least in trademark laws that I know, one can 
> use a trademark accurately and the holder cannot prevent it. 

Uhm, but they're using www.debian-desktop.org, which surely violates our

If they'd use just a random domain and go talking about Debian, that
would be fine, but I'm /really/ uneasy about them having that domain.

BTW, their content changed back to something much more neutral and
non-commercial (basically, a guy talking about his packages) when I just
checked again.


Michael Banck
Debian Developer

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