On Sun, Mar 07, 2004 at 06:34:23PM -0500, David Nusinow wrote:
On Mon, Mar 08, 2004 at 12:22:44PM +1300, Mike Beattie wrote:
Matt, I hate to burst your bubble, but IRC is not real life, and in the
grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter - we do not control what
people say or do. We cannot, and we will not.

That's absurd. People get kicked and banned for obvious trolling,
crapflooding, and racist remarks. We can and we do control what people
say or do, and we can do better.

Sounds pretty fascist to me.  Spamming/crapflooding is grounds for a
ban, but for the other things, sometimes people need to blow off steam.

Debian is apolitical, so it should not be making political judgements on
its official IRC channels.

If someone makes legally actionable threats on the channel, that should
be dealt with by kicking, banning, and notifying the appropriate
authorities.  Anything else should be dealt with through community
censure and leading by example, not by banishment.


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Contact: 604-951-4142 (between 7am and 10pm, PST)
Website: http://reactor-core.org

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