Le lundi 01 décembre 2003 à 17h18 (+0100), Rafa Forcada écrivait :
> > > This exploit work on my Debian woody 3.r1 and get root .
> > > May be  that script is instrument .

I think not: the security team is well aware of this old ptrace bug.

> It worked on my debian woody 3.r1 too.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/temp$ uname -r
> 2.4.20

There isn't any 2.4.20 kernel in Woody as far as I know...!?!

> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/temp$ ./kptrace
> sh-2.05a# whoami

This bug has been circumvent in the 2.4.18-1 kernel images:

  kernel-image-2.4.18-1-i386 (2.4.18-9) stable-security; urgency=high
    * Rebuilt against kernel-source 2.4.18-10.
    . Fixed ptrace/proc bug in fs/proc/base.c (CAN-2003-0501).

(from /usr/share/doc/kernel-image-2.4.18-1-586tsc/changelog.gz)

J.C. "プログフ" ANDRÉ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.vn.refer.org/
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