Hello project list, hello Michelle and Chris,

Like Lolo I also think every linux distribution should be aware what's
happening in the next years in the internet. Once Palladium is to be
activated on nearly all PC's running WinX or Mac OS.  Then Linux
probably will be the only common spread alternative operating system.

But it will only be if it's competitive enough in areas of gemeral
usability, e-commerce and multimedia, availability of new technologies 
[for userspace]
or stability, performance/multi-processor/scaling, implementing new
security features, and advanced domain server functionality 
[for server-space or scientific research].

Linux Distributions will play a major role in all areas.
They care for update administration, which is far more complex in a free
network developement environment than for a corporate's product.
Debian is highly configurable and advanced in packet management, 
but installing a system and configuring services is not easy for 
business users who can't afford the time to become a little geek (even
if they would like to). 
Teams of (Co-)Developers, packet maintainer, distribution development
and resources, kernel.org, lack of hardware support...it always was a
framework-responsibility, and few or no cash ROI, which limits time
seriously because one has to work for living.
But rather than comparing gnU-Linux to big corporates i'd say it's
astonishing great how far it did evolve !
And i believe Linux  will be there, once Palladium is running.
At least, if we can defend patent laws which are the only single weapon
which can wipe free software from the market.
Old TCPA had over 200 members, too much to share the power with, so 
AMD, HP, IBM, Intel und Microsoft founded the new top level Trusted
Computing Group 'TCG'. This membership is rather exclusive and expensive
now. Some of the first were are Atmel, Infineon, National Semiconductor,
Nokia, Philips, Phoenix Technologies, Sony, ST Microelectronics,
VeriSign und Wave Systems. 

Chris Waters wrote:
> Linus has stated that he's willing to accept them into the mainstream
> kernel.  This will (or at least should) give *you* control over the
> TCPA chip, so you can use it to enhance to the security of your system. 
> http://www.research.ibm.com/gsal/tcpa/

About Linus' view of the kernels future (;-) there's an 3 year old 
article at http://www.osnews.com/story.php?news_id=161
> Palladium is (probably, I'm not an expert) a bad thing, and Palladium
> is apparently based on TCPA, but that doesn't necessarily mean that
> TCPA is a bad thing.

MS Palladium is the Next Generation Secure Computing Base (NGSCB) now,
and i wonder if there's a new codename right now. 
It's fully implemented in the next Gnu-defending texanian release,
>From one of the MS's patent claims:
"a computerized method for a digital rights management operating system
comprising: assuming a trusted identity; executing a trusted
application; loading rights-managed data into memory for access by the
trusted application; and protecting the rights-managed data from access
by an untrusted program while the trusted application is executing."

The whole 'nexus' system depends on a few bytes of key, and if there's
anything not working perfectly, it locks. I think less tolerance means
less stability, in the end. There are many critical opinions even if it
really will work at all. [e.g. see
Also, the secret services still want to have access.

Anyway, NGSCB must be accepted by a (simple?) majority of users before
it can be activated, to let certifying (and denying) of internet
transfers (documents, software, even simple webpages) work.
MS VP Will Poole claimed that: "We have to ship 100 million of these
before it really makes a difference".

Some general resources:
Ross Anderson
in german:

> Pneumonoultra-microsoftisilico-valliosis
Oh. I'm resistent, thanx :-)ebian


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