On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 05:07:14PM -0400, Simon Law wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 05, 2003 at 01:25:18PM -0700, Benj. Mako Hill wrote:
> > Since there are already people working on this, I think that the most
> > constructive thing will be to follow up on the DPL's announcement in
> > regards to the trademark committee and to get involved in the efforts
> > already underway.
>       I'm not sure I'm interpreting you correctly.  Are you suggesting
> that I suspend this proposal until a more definitive position can be
> reached by the trademark committees?


This looks like it will overlap with what the committee is doing since
we're trying to draft text to replace the current trademark and logo
policies. I'm just thinking that if you are proposing this for a GR
(is this even necessary?) it might be worth working this into what the
trademark ctte's is already putting together.

There may be reasons, legal or otherwise, to avoid the language you've
proposed or there might just be something that's clearer in
legalese. Part of the problem with the old trademark and logo
policies, as I understand it, is that they are acting as legal
documents but are not all written or edited with legal advice. I think
that, at the very least, we should run this by our lawyers that are
already working on this.

We might get an answer we can move on right away. The committee isn't
only involved in creating one big monolithic document. Greg has
already suggested changes for web site footer (which have been
implemented) and helped with some other issues.

> I have been following Bug#212895 and the discussions on -project and
> -legal, so I thought things were getting close to decided.

I think this puts you in a good position to represent this perspective
in the SPI trademark committee if you'd like to join. You should sign
up if this is something you are interested in working more on.

> My proposal was intended to foster discussion among general
> developers and initiate the decision-making process with regards to
> our Open Use logo.

Great. Lets bring this up with the lawyers and see what they say.


Benjamin Mako Hill

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