On Tue, Sep 30, 2003 at 06:23:52PM -0400, Alfie Costa wrote:
> Mr. A. Suffield says:
> >> The constitution is in prose, and because prose is different from
> >> math, ts norms and standards are different.  Sometimes very
> >> different.
> >Which is why we discuss numbers using mathematical terminology, as is
> >standard for technical prose.
> Is a constitution technical prose now?

What else do you expect it to be? The only other practical form is

> >> Integer has more than one meaning
> >Only if you're an idiot. Integer has precisely one meaning, and it is
> >a synonym of "whole number". The set of integers is the union of the
> >set of natural numbers and the set composed by subtracting every
> >natural number from zero.
> What you're doing is redefining an old word in terms of a newer more

You are wrong.

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
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