On Mon, Sep 22, 2003 at 02:44:56PM +0200, Andreas Schuldei wrote:

> We are looking forword towards all the debian developers doing our
> work now (yeah, sure) and close collaboration with all of you.
> Feel free to voice your opinons and ideas on [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Since I am a Debian Developer, I often work with schools here in Italy
and I've got in touch with you good people, I've started (since this
morning, just before receiving this message) talking to school tech
staff about starting to look at Skolelinux, and possibly start some

They've started downloading the last ISO image from the norvegian
website (the english website still has an ISO image from 2002) and
they'll give it a try.  So far, I must say that a big problem is the web
pages not being fully translated in English, which makes it quite
difficult to show them around here in Italy.  It would be difficult
already (but acceptable by some people) to show them around in English,
but german or norwegian are absolutely a no-no.

Would you like cooperation also with foreign schools?  In that case, I
might have a candidate soon :)

Good work, and count me in for working on the italian side!


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