iban wrote:

Hi my questions is about licences or something like that i hope this is the
correct e-mail if it is not, could you tell me what is??
this is my question
we are a new shop and we want to sell computers on any Linux OS
pre-installed, in our region if an enterprise buys a PC with the licence
of a OS the government gives it some money, and i want to know if there
is any way to get any document that verify that debian OS is register
buy our customer o something like that, i mean the copy is legal
i hope i have explain well
sorry for my english

Hello "iban",

by what you write, it is hard to tell what you need, but I'll try nevertheless. (If you want more info, pleae tell us what region in the world you are referring to, debian developers are quite widespread, and there are quite a few mailing lists in non-english languages (debian-user-xx)

SO to resume your request:

- you are a small/mid-sized company that sell PCs with a preinstalled Gnu/Linux - your government funds such PCs (with a preinstalled Linux) if you can prove there's a
Linux on it

Now comes the problematic part:

As I understood, there's no 'illegally installed Debian', its license gives you the right to install Debian on as many machines as you want,
for whatever you charge for that service.

If there's really debian on that machine, a file /etc/debian_version will exist, and contain version info of the installed debian. But It contains no serial number, or other (unique) identifier, because debian does not use them.

So if you want to provide your customer with some 'registration info', you could do it on a form:

Please Fax back to  (Company name)

Some contact details

Number of pc's installed ____________

With my signature I certify that there are the number of PC's installed with Linux in our company, which we obtained from
(Company Name), who also does the support & service for them.


Robert Ribnitz

  • ivan iban
    • Robert Ribnitz

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