I recently purchased Lindows OS 3.0 and 4.0 and from what I gather Debian is the ROOT of the Lindows OS. I have been diddling in basic and using windows but Lindows has caught my attention and I hope I'm directing this to the right people.
I would like to learn to "DEVELOPE" and or test or "contribute" to the developement of Debian if I can while I learn about Lindows "IF" it is an acceptable OS to Debian. I am however a bit confused or you might say "billwashed" by past experiences with OS operations, I went to a Debian chat channel in Xchat and was rudely booted out for mentioning the new OS Lindows (at least new to me) and now this is why I am sending this Email to maybe get an explanation if a Lindows user is capable of helping Debian.
any response is very much appriciated.
THANKS... Monte Self
Soul, Can it be saved ?
After Forever
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