On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 03:10:28PM -0400, Alicia Cross wrote:
> I would like to set up a meeting with Debian to look at your product.
> Publix has an imitative to look at Linux.  We would like to understand
> more about your product.  Please contact me so I can get information.


I'm afraid Debian isn't quite as cohesive an organization as you might
think; we're an association of volunteer developers from all around the
world, and as such we don't have central offices or conference call
facilities or anything like that. It's rather difficult to meet Debian
in the usual business sense!

However, if you gave the debian-project mailing list a rough physical
location like a city name, then some developer might be willing to
volunteer to talk to you by phone or in person (no guarantees; I live in
England, so judging from your web site I would be a poor choice).
Alternatively, since our project operates primarily by e-mail, if you
have a list of questions you're willing to post in public then you could
send them to this mailing list and it's likely that somebody will
respond. In some ways, mailing list conversations are one of the better
ways to meet with us.

All the best,

Colin Watson                                       [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  • Meeting Alicia Cross
    • Colin Watson

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