Felipe Balbi wrote:

hi.. im from brazil..
and i have a suggestion to debian.org
linux is getting more and more users... we already have some certifications for linux...
like RHCE and RHCT, both created by RedHat.com
i thought if debian.org does not want to create a certificate too...
because i want to be a certified linux user... but i want to be certified on my distribution. Debian..
here in brasil we have a guide for debian user...
we call it by GUIA FOCA LINUX
this guide teach us since instalation till network and security administration.
and its separeted into 3 other guides...
INICIANTE = begginer
INTERMEDIARIO = intermediary
AVANCADO = advanced
i thought these guides could be used to create the base of the certification thanks Felipe Balbi

Hello Felipe,

I think there's already some linux certification given by the Linux Professional Institute, look at http://www.lpi.org for details..



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