Dear Sr. or Madam:
My name is Lautaro Pinillos, I live in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I am an expericed style proofreader and editor in Spanish; I have worked for 20 years in one of the most important journal in Argentina, Clarín, and in others: Tiempo Argentino, La Epoca and Convicción; in several magazines: Mercado, Gerencia Ambiental, Abogados, Automóvil Club Argentino, etc.; editorials: Grijalbo, Norma-Kapelusz, La Ley, Spanish Communication (US), Carib
bean (US) and MultiLingual Solution (US); the House of Commons.
Thanks to Internet the distance is not a trouble for my job, for this reason I offer you my service as a style proofreader in Spanish, the edition quality control.
If you want to send me a text as a proficiency test, I will send it back proofread.
Kindest regards from South America.
Yours faithfully.
Lautaro Pinillos