[Elenio: This is an English list.
I'm nor German nor English natively but I tried...]

He wrote:
I'm elenio m.,
I've some time ago ordered "Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 Personal".  However when the 8 
cd's, the handbook, etc. arrived, I was so unfortunate to conclude that all the 
cd's where damaged and the handbook looked like it had been lying in water for 
some time!

Now I have the problem that the shop where I ordered won't send another set, 
nor will it give my money back.

What can I do now?
I don't feel like spending once more that much money!
The possibility to download is not an alternative for me, only already for the 
fact that I need the handbook, because I'm completely new to Linux.

So what can I do now?
Is there the possibility to call special "Internet policemen"?

Thanks for your time/trouble.

I'm afraid there is no way Debian can help you.  The vendors of cd's are 
completely independent of Debian.  The only way you can persuade them to do 
something (I think) is by local (national) law.

If it's only the handbook which is bothering you for the download I would have 
a look at www.debian.org.  It would surprise me if there is no translation in 
German of the installation guides and other doc's.  And after all I don't think 
it is that much more difficult than any other installation :-).


On Sat, Mar 29, 2003 at 10:29:35PM +0100, elenio mattera wrote:
> hallo,
> ich bin elenio m.,
> ich habe mir vor einiger zeit "Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 Personal" bestellt.
> doch als die 8cd's,das handbuch,etc.. ankamen,musste ich bedauerlicherweise 
> feststellen,
> dass alle cd's beschaedigt waren und das handbuch aussah,alsob man es in 
> wasser gelaegen haette!
> nun habe ich folgendes problem,der shop,bei dem ich es bestellt habe,will es 
> nicht ersetzen oder mir mein geld zurueckgeben.
> was kann ich jetzt tun?
> ich habe eigentlich keine lust,nocheinmal so viel geld auszugeben!
> die moeglichkeit es downzuloaden kommt bei mir eigentlich nicht in 
> betracht,allein aus dem grund,dass ich das handbuch brauche,da ich totaler 
> linuxeinsteiger bin.
> also,was soll/kann ich jetzt tun?
> gibt es moeglichkeiten spezielle "internet polizisten" hinzuzuziehn?
> vielen dank fuer ihre muehen
> elenio

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