Dear ,

Compliments of the seasons and greetings to you in the
Lords Name.

I want to use this oppurtunity to aquiant you with my
business proposal. 

I am MR HENRY HAGA, the eldest SON of Late Mr
Fedrick HAGA. The former chairman of the
commission on state controlled mineral resources of

In the heat of the political anarchy and turbulence in
our country, my father paid the ultimate price for
beliefs in held so dear. Before his death my father
had already intimated me of certain deposit of $8.65M
USD with a bank in cote d ivoire abidjan in his
possesion. As if my father had premonition in his
this money was generated by the commission from the
sale of gold and diamonds mined in the region.

However, because there was no longer any central
authority, my father could not deposit these with the
government and as such moved these money into a bank
in cote d ivoire abidjan for safety keeping. Now  upon
my fathers death I am presently in
possesion of all the papers and official documents
with which this money was deposited. I am a
young man and I want to handle this with caution.

Dear, I want you to assist me in transfering this
money into yuor pravite account for investment in your
country this money has been dposited with the bank in
Abidjan  since August 2001.         
dear I want you to assist me in transfering this money
out of cote d ivoire to your country to be invested by
you into a profitable sector of your country economy

The $8.65Million U.S.D. would be invested by you into
a profitable
and lucrative sector of your country economy.I must
also add that it is imperative that I and my younger
brother leave Africa with you to your country as I
must be physically present for all these transaction.

Dear, I want to emphasize that all these your efforts
would not be underestimated. I would be giving 15% of
the total sum to you for all your efforts but please
only be transparent, honest and trustworthy because a
lot of people can do anything to get this money from a
man especially as young as I am.

So I and my brother will not relent in our prayer
until we surmount these problem.

Reply me and let me know your position.

Thanks and God bless.


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