Hello Adrian, 

Am 11:10 2003-01-28 +0100 hat Adrian 'Dagurashibanipal' von Bidder
>In short: If you have a computer with a static IP address, I'd be glad
>if you'd run ntpd and offered it for public use on the time.fortytwo.ch
>DNS round robin. Expected traffic is very low - I hope to get as many
>time servers as I can, so the load will be spread as far as possible.

Curently I habe only a 39 Computer-Local-LAN but with my own ntp-server, 
exactly xntp3 which get the time-Information with the DCF-77 receiver... 
from Braunschweig/Germany. 

>The longer version:
>In the comp.protocols.time.ntp newsgroup, it was discussed that some of
>the public time servers (as listed somewhere on ntp.org) are having
>problems with too much traffic.

How many requests ??? 

I run a 10 yeears old VLB-Board with an Cx486dx40 and 16 Mbyte of 
memory running Woody. I update the Computers every 5 Minutes for 
testing and there is around no load... 

I think, the Timeservers use a little bit bigger machine, but can 
handle several 1000th hit a second... 

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