* Kari Søderlind | We are publishing a list of events in Oslo every year. We came | across the Debian Conference 3 on the Internet and that it is held | in Oslo 17th - 19th og July 2003. Could you please send me some more | details about this conference so I can fax you the final listing for | approval. | | I would need details such as "Kategory" (i.e. international | conference, national, european etc.), "Attendants" (estm. how many | people will attend the conference), "Venue" (where in Oslo the | conference are being held), Organiser (is Debians the organiser) | "phone number" and "fax number".
International conference, yes. About 100 attendees, hopefully. It will be held in the University of Oslo, Institutt for informatikk, Gaustadbekkdalen (lille auditorium). Please see http://www.debconf.org/debconf3/ for all information, I don't want to give out my personal phone number for the conference. The organization behind Debconf 3 is NUUG, but I am the primary organizer of the conference. I addition, you might want to add COFSINO, the Norwegian Conference on Free Software in Norway to your listing. It will be held on July 10th and 11th, same location as Debconf. NUUG is also the organization behind COFSINO. Please see http://www.nuug.no/cofsino/ for more information about COFSINO. -- Tollef Fog Heen ,''`. UNIX is user friendly, it's just picky about who its friends are : :' : `. `' `-