I, D. Mark, the Director Nigeria
Liquefied Natural Gas Limited (NLNG) here by solicit
for your co-operation as follows: -

Nigeria L.N.G Ltd was incorporated on May 17, 1989 to
harness Nigeria's vast Natural Gas Resources for
domestic use and Export Market.

In 1995, a Final Investment Decision (FID) was signed
by the Shareholders, Nigerian Natural Petroleum
Corporation (NNPC), Shell Gas Bv, Cleag Limited (ELF)
and AGIP international Bv to build an LNG plant in
Bonny Islands of Rivers State in Nigeria.

In the fourth Quarter of 1995, a consortium of
Engineering firms, Technip, Snamprogetti, M. W. Kellog
and Japan Gas Corporation (TSKJ) was awarded a
contract for the construction of the Gas Plant, The
Gas Transmission System and The Residential Quarters.
Note, in the process of the negotiations and
verification of the documents for the award of the
contract, we provided an official clause which created
the existence of a sub-contractor category for the

Furthermore, because of our interest in the
sub-contractor addition, we used our top-management
positions to increase the total contract sum by
US$35M. Meanwhile the project has been completed and
commissioned and the plant has commenced export of
Natural liquefied gas to Spain, Italy, etc. While the
contractors have been paid leaving an outstanding sum
of US$35M unpaid to the sub contractor.

Now due to our resolve to transfer the outstanding sum
to foreign account, we therefore feel obliged to
contact you for assistance in achieving our objective.
To transact this business with us you are to provide
the following:
(a) Name of a company and address, and
(b) Private/official telephone and fax numbers.

Note, the fund will be shared in the below ratios: us$30m
to be released to us, us$4.5m% to be retained by you for
your assistance while us$0.5m is to cover all expenses
incurred in the course of the transaction.

Finally, be rest assured that all necessary risk have
been eliminated by us and the transaction will be risk-free.
Confidentiality is very important in this transaction, any
question should be directed to me first before anybody or

I expect your prompt response.

Mark Dennis

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