Hello, I hope that this is the correct place for me to be directing question(s) to which I am hoping to find answers. If not, I apologize in advance. Also, I think I searched over the web site sufficiently, but please forgive me if I overlooked the answer(s) to my question(s).
First off, I am very new to Linux! In other words, I encourage you to talk "down" to me...=) Basically, my experience amounts to playing around with a Linux system while finding it necessary to reference a book for most everything I did! Now, on to my question(s)... I am uncertain of the difference between the "Official CD" and "non-US" versions of Debian. It sounds to me like the "non-US" version contains some sort of encryption software (perhaps like the PGP I use in Windows) that cannot be exported out of the United States. However, the name, "non-US," makes it sound as though this version is for use in countries other than the United States, which would contradict my previous understanding. Now, basically, I love encryption software. As I understand it, it is possible to encrypt everything on Linux other than the kernal, and that prospect sounds absolutely wonderful! Therefore, since I live in the United States, if the "non-US" version supports superior encryption to the "Official CD" version, then that is the one I'd want. In other words, I want whichever I can legally obtain that gives me the best encryption security. However, I would also like to understand the difference(s) between the "Official CD" and the "non-US" versions. Therefore, I would very much appreciate it if one of these could be recommended to me, based on what I said above. And, also, I would appreciate it if both the reason for the recommendation and the difference(s) between the two possibilities ("Official CD" and "non-US") could be explained to me. Thank you very much in advance! Sincerely, Mortimir _____________________________________________________________ TheFreeSite.com: Home of the Web's best freebies. http://www.thefreesite.com _____________________________________________________________ Promote your group and strengthen ties to your members with [EMAIL PROTECTED] by Everyone.net http://www.everyone.net/?btn=tag