Hi, I have been speaking with Doug Loss and Roger Dingeldine of SEUL/edu (see www.seul.org/edu) about a coalition they are forming, the purpose of which will be to promote free software and free content in education.
I feel Debian and this coalition, which to date is being called the Schoolforge[0] coalition, would benefit from Debian's membership in it. Please see two messages by Doug Loss on what the coalition is and what membership in it would mean: http://www.seul.org/archives/seul/edu/Dec-2001/msg00101.html http://www.seul.org/archives/seul/edu/Dec-2001/msg00106.html Basically, I'd like to know the steps I'd have to go through to get Debian involved. Because of my work with Debian Jr. I am volunteering to, at least for the interim, represent Debian in this group. However, I would really prefer if someone with the needs of education closer to their heart would take this position. In the not too distant past, I had suggested to the Debian-jr list that a Debian-edu workgroup should be created, and while people were favourably inclined to the idea, so far, no developer has stepped up to head up such a group. Thus, the task falls to Debian Jr. group even though it is not a perfect fit. Ben [0] Schoolforge has no relationship to Sourceforge. -- nSLUG http://www.nslug.ns.ca [EMAIL PROTECTED] Debian http://www.debian.org [EMAIL PROTECTED] [ pgp key fingerprint = 7F DA 09 4B BA 2C 0D E0 1B B1 31 ED C6 A9 39 4F ] [ gpg key fingerprint = 395C F3A4 35D3 D247 1387 2D9E 5A94 F3CA 0B27 13C8 ]