On Fri, Nov 09, 2001 at 10:32:02AM -0600, Robert Dansereau wrote:

> Sorry if this is being sent to the wrong address, but hopefully someone can 
> help me out.
> I was wondering how I'd go about getting a few packages added to the Debian 
> distribution set.  There are a few involving mail that I'd like to see 
> added, but just need to be Debianized:

What you want to do is file an RFP (request for package).  See the
instructions at:


Specifically, be sure to include a link to the project's home page (or
download area, if none) and information on the copyright status of the

Your request will be filed and announced, and the software packaged if/when
a developer takes an interest in it.  The more informative your request is,
the more likely it will be for someone to take an interest in it.

 - mdz

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