I hereby attach myself as a sponsor of the proposed General Resolution.

On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 11:35:42AM +0100, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> 1. Context
> A #debian-devel operator regularly kicks (sometimes bans) people from the
> channel if they are not Debian developers. He does so even if
> they have been introduced by developers as valuable Debian contributors
> and behave correctly in the channel.
> The invoked reason is historic. #debian-devel used to be for developers
> only and from time to time issues discussed on
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] are discussed on #debian-devel.  Even the
> channel founders argued about the policy that should be applied to
> #debian-devel.
> Other facts :
> - #debian-private exists and is key protected (the key should be known
>   by debian developers only), although it is not really used
> - #debian-devel is useful for many people and is useful for Debian
>   contributors (not yet developers) :
>   * the topic regularly ask for testers of prerelease of some packages
>   * the topic usually warns about the worst problems of unstable
>   * future developers can learn many things by following the discussions
> - #debian-devel is used for day to day work related to Debian's
>   development
> 2. Problems
> * The IRC channels #debian-* are not officially recognized as part of
>   Debian's communication channels. 
> * Debian can't treat valuable contributors like it's done actually on IRC.
>   Kicking a person who naturally has its place within the developer's
>   community (because of his interest and his work) is not reasonable.
>   (Personal note: this kind of behavior gives Debian its bad image of a
>    closed community preaching openness)
> * Debian's philosophy concerning the development has always been to open
>   the communication channels. There's a mismatch here.
> 3. Proposed changes
> We should ackowledge the fact the IRC channels are used to communicate
> within Debian. They are only an alternate way to discuss things. They
> are not the main communication channels (the mailing lists are). This
> should be documented in Debian Developers Reference and wherever it's
> applicable.
> By acknowledging their existence, we also have to apply the usual Debian
> policies :
> - all #debian-* channels on OpenProjects should be open to everyone
>   except #debian-private which is for registered debian developers only
>   (the actual "key protection" may be replaced by a better identification
>    mechanism at any time)
> - the "netiquette" (RFC 1855, section 4.1.2) applies, channels'
>   subjects should be respected
> Nevertheless, some specific IRC rules apply :
> - the channels should not be publicly archived without notice
> - public quotations may not be accepted by everyone
> 4. Item proposed to vote (after the discussion period)
> [ ] I accept the ratification of IRC channels as a communication medium
>     and as such they have to follow the usual Debian policies (adapted
>     for IRC habits)

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