On Tue, Oct 30, 2001 at 02:01:07AM -0800, Debian WWW CVS wrote: > CVSROOT: /cvs/webwml > Module name: webwml > Changes by: joy 01/10/30 02:01:07 > > Modified files: > english/MailingLists: index.wml > > Log message: > copied the code of conduct from the Debian FAQ to this page, added a > few bits that are assumed these days (like no HTML), s/do not/try > not to/ WRT flaming, forbidding it is completely hopeless :)
(The above is a mail from debian-www-cvs.) I found the Debian mailing list code of conduct list in the Debian FAQ the other day (it was pretty well hidden, in a subsubsection :). It was there for a long time (at least several years) and it sounded pretty reasonable, so I moved it to the web page, like the CVS log says above. Anyway, this is it: Code of conduct When using the Debian mailing lists, please follow these rules: * Do not send spam; see the advertising policy below. * Send all of your e-mails in English. Only use other languages on mailing lists where that is explicitely allowed (e.g. French on debian-user-french). * Make sure that you are using the proper list. In particular, don't send user-related questions to developer-related mailing lists. * Never send your messages in HTML; use plain text instead. Avoid large attachments. * Do not use foul language; besides, some people receive the lists via packet radio, where swearing is illegal. * Try not to flame; it is not polite. I've sorted the rules (maybe guidelines would be a better word?) in the decreasing importance, I think everyone will agree. But I still feel obligated to post here so that we can discuss the details if necessary. I suppose some people might barf about it forbidding foul language and flaming. We all know that that's more wishful thinking than real rules, but I still feel it should be listed just so that the newbie posters don't start doing it instantly, thinking nobody will mind. -- 2. That which causes joy or happiness.