I'm a teacher of the computer study and I take care of the school laboratory in the Special Secondery School. /The real name of my school is - Szkoła Zawodowa Specjalna nr 4 w Nowym Sšczu/. My pupils are different than the healthy children so I have to do everything what is the best for them. Because for some years I have been useing Linux (Rh 5.0) in my private computer I thought about my pupils. So lately I have started to learn them the Linux system at school. Now we've got only Linux in our laboratory. At the moment I'm looking for some posters or calendars or advertisements or others informations about Linux. I want put them on the walls in my classroom. I hope that my pupils'll be more interested in Linux this way. So if you can help me please write how can I get these things which I wrote before or how can I buy them. Thanks a lot for helping me.
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