Hello I'm a student of International Trade in Barcelona, and now I'm studing the structure of organizations. For this reason I choose Linux, because I'm a user of Linux and I want to know more about it.
I would be very garteful if you could answer the next questions: 1-Which is the mission, vision, objectives and goals of your arganitzation? 2-Which is your streucture? 3-How you control the countries distribution centers? 4-Have you have sinme reward or incentive sistems? 5-Which is the benefit or profitn, and the motivations of your developers? 6-When and where was created your distribution? 7-Can you tell me your market share in linux world? If you can't answer these questions or have more information, I greateful if you send me somethong relationated with your organization. If I send this mail in a incorrect place, please tell me or send to the correct person. Thanks. Yours faithfully, Dani