On Wed, May 30, 2001 at 10:34:14AM -0700, Battle, John wrote:
> Hi:
> I am thinking of changint to either SuSe or Debian soon and wanted to get
> your input.  The thing I have the biggest problem with currently is
> networking, specifically connecting to DSL with my Linux box.  I am totally
> frusterated.  If I purchase Debian would I get some help with this?
> Earthlink acts like Linux users have some sort os disease and won't even
> talk about it.

Buying debian doesn't get you any 'magic support'. All support in debian
is what you get from newsgroups, mailing lists and fellow users.
You can purchase support from various consultants which are listed on
webpages on de debian site.

While you don't get any official support, debian's mailing lists and debian's
users are known for being a good support source.

> Also, if I purchase a CD distribution, I understand that I would need both
> the source and the binary sets for a total of 6 cd's in order to have
> everything. I just want to confirm this.

The current distribution fits on 6 cd's if you get 1 platfor (i386) and source,
but to install it you only need disc 1. Disc 2 contains some additional tools,
but if you have a nice net connection (like DSL) you can fetch the rest from
the various debian-mirrors. (Which are allways more up to date then any cd)

You can also download cd images...

I myself use DSL in the netherlands, and can say it's allmost easier to use
it under linux then it was under win98/win2k...
But since DSL solutions vary from provider to provider YMMV.


Mark Janssen                         Unix Consultant @ SyConOS IT
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]              GnuPG Key Id: 357D2178
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