Debian has grown quite a bit and like in most volunteer projects there are members who have lost interest over the time or whose RL doesn't permit them to spend any time on the project anymore. This is problematic because people are responsible for a package or a task but actually don't fulfill their responsibility. There must be better guidelines what to do in such cases: it should be easier to do NMUs, to take over packages and to remove people from the project.
Here are some things which have been proposed or which I do but this is only a small part of the whole picture. - Identify developers whose e-mail is bouncing. Joy recently forwarded some e-mails from the BTS to Debian developers which bounced. I tried to find alternative e-mail addresses and to contact them. So far, 2 have fixed their address and 1 left the project. - Contact maintainers whose packages are out dated (Standards-Version < 3.0, no upload for a long time, a long bug list) and ask if they are still active, if the package should be orphaned, etc. I mailed a whole bunch of people about this a while ago and some fixed their packages while others promised to fix them and didn't. I guess it's time to contact them again... - Robert McQueen suggested to take the "Last seen" information from db.d.o and contact those people who have never been active since the system has been introduced. (Actually, Robot suggested a mixture between "Last seen", number of bugs, etc). However, as mentioned above, the policy has to be take much more into account. What should be done if someone doesn't answer his e-mail. Can the package be taken over by someone else? When? What ways should be tried to find him (posting to -devel, to -devel-announce? phone?). When and how can people be expelled? On which basis? WRT NMUs, there are some figures in the Debian Developer's Reference and there are some more figures in the document "Quality Assurance in Debian [proposal]" at but this is only a proposal. What else? -- Martin Michlmayr [EMAIL PROTECTED]