On Thu, 15 Feb 2001 Paul Slootman wrote: > . . . > FYI, there is a mailing list for debian developers in the Netherlands > which is usually used for such things; I recommend you guys join that. > Send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to subscribe / unsubscribe; > the list itself is [EMAIL PROTECTED] . > . . . > Honoring Paul's sagacious plea for noise-reduction on this list, I'd like to leave this thread by retitling it to address a broader issue facing Debian as a whole.
As far as I know (from lurking in the mailinglists the past few years) there has been no really concerted effort at (please pardon the expression ;-) 'marketing' since Bruce Perens' departure as PL. Debian has, aside from propagating the DFSG spirit of Linux through its presence at Expo's, for the most part relegated public/commercial relations to the Linux organization-at-large and the marketing channels of its commercial subsets. (Correct me if I'm wrong.) Whatever the precise case may be, I feel this 'anonymity' confronts (new) developers interested in promoting Debian on a regional/local level with certain questions: - Unless Debian constitutes part of your core business (and I believe Mike van Smoorenburg and the developers at Cistron may form an exception here in the Netherlands), your involvement with Debian will pertain either to specific applications in a specialist context or (non-exclusively) to specific applications of general interest and this involvement will ordinarily be isolated from other regional developers. What role could the regional Debian developer group fulfill as support structure for promoting Debian as a distribution with a difference? - Beyond bridging obvious local linguistic/cultural barriers and providing presence at Linux-related events, could such a possible role include coordinated (facilitation of) penetration of general user segments or niche markets? (Note that I wish to circumvent the perennial debate about user-orientedness vs. technical superiority of the distribution here.) - Could a regional developer group act as a representative microcosm of the developer group-at-large, or barring this, could it focus on certain strengths to profile itself locally, short of forking yet-another-(sub)distribution of Debian? - How does/could regional coordination contribute to the synergy within Debian as a whole, especially given the relative developer density (per square kilometer) here in the Netherlands and in Europe - Or would such coordination be construed as being overly regimented by the free spirits which predominate in developer ranks and is the question 'What does Debian mean to me and what can it mean to my social and business community?' a moot point? In any event it might not hurt to ponder a moment what vision you share with those local trusted sigs on your keyring within this international adventure we call Debian (to paraphrase Ben Collins somewhat ;->). Thanks for reading this far, Silvester Claassen