On Wed, Nov 29, 2000 at 04:29:18PM -0800, Thomas Bushnell, BSG wrote:

> I think it would be clearer, and not *that* much of a problem, if we 
> added a dependency on base-files.  

bash-2.03$ apt-cache show base-files
Package: base-files
Essential: yes
Priority: required

The question of getting it or distributing it is different from debian
requirement or suggestion, IMHO.

Christian Surchi   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]   |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
FLUG: http://www.firenze.linux.it | Debian GNU/Linux: http://www.debian.org 
-----------------> http://www.firenze.linux.it/~csurchi <------------------
Ummm, well, OK.  The network's the network, the computer's the computer.
Sorry for the confusion.                -- Sun Microsystems

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