Richard Braakman writes:
 > On Thu, Nov 25, 1999 at 11:01:07PM +0100, Yann Dirson wrote:
 > > I cannot find a reason currently for its existance, nor can I find a
 > > reference to it in the Policy and Packaging manuals.
 > I see no reason for it either.
 > > If there's no (more) reason, I strongly suggest we throw this ugly
 > > thing ASAP, and I'll be happy to be one of the first to do so with my
 > > packages currently using this "section".
 > I'd love to get rid of it; it would save work for the FTP admins.

There were no reactions against the "get rid of base" idea.  So I'd
like to complete the move before we forget ;)

I guess the best way to bet things done would be to bulk-report to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] that packages currently in base should be put in a
relevant section.

Also maybe a lintian test can be written to print an error on
"Section: base".  Any volunteer for this one ?

Here is the list of i386 base packages I found and suggested
sections.  Any corrections ?  Any additions (other archs) ?

My plan (unless objections are raised - please do not forget to CC me)
is to file those bug reports on monday evening (European time) against
those packages still in base (according to Packages file on master) at
this date.

 adduser                admin
 ae                     editors
 base-files             admin ? misc ?
 base-passwd            admin ? misc ?
 bash                   shells
 bsdutils               utils
 console-tools          utils
 console-tools-libs     libs
 debianutils            utils
 diff                   text
 dpkg                   admin
 e2fsprogs              admin
 fileutils              utils
 findutils              utils
 grep                   text
 gzip                   utils
 hostname               admin
 ldso                   admin ? libs ?
 libc6                  libs
 libncurses4            libs
 libpam-modules         admin
 libpam-runtime         admin
 libpam0g               libs
 libreadlineg2          libs
 libstdc++2.*           libs
 login                  admin
 makedev                admin
 mawk                   interpreters
 mbr                    admin ?
 modutils               admin
 mount                  admin
 ncurses-base           libs ?
 ncurses-bin            utils
 passwd                 admin
 perl-5.*-base          interpreters
 perl-base              interpreters
 procps                 utils
 sed                    text
 setserial              utils ? admin ?
 shellutils             utils
 slang1                 libs
 sysklogd               admin
 sysvinit               admin
 tar                    utils
 textutils              text
 update                 admin
 util-linux             utils
 lilo                   admin
 apt                    admin
 dpkg-ftp               admin
 fdflush                utils
 gettext-base           libs ?
 libgdbmg1              libs
 libnet-perl            interpreters ? net ?
 libwrap0               libs
 netbase                net
 ppp                    net
 tcpd                   net
 data-dumper            interpreters
 elvis-tiny             editors
 kernel-image-*         admin
 libnewt0               libs
 modconf                admin
 pppconfig              net
 syslinux               admin
 whiptail               libs
 dpkg-mountable         admin
 dpkg-multicd           admin
 grub                   admin
 isapnptools            utils ?
 pcmcia-cs              utils ?
 pcmcia-modules-*       utils ?

Yann Dirson    <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |    Why make M$-Bill richer & richer ?
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