On Sunday June 19 2005 9:32 am, martin f krafft wrote:
> also sprach Paul Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2005.06.19.1544 +0200]:
> > So punish them specifically.  There are blackholes that do that.
> > bl.spamcop.net, sbl.spamhaus.org, xbl.spamhaus.org and
> > bl.ursine.ca all do that.
> And then they just hang up and dial in again to get a new IP.

Greylisting gives you an hour or so for IPs to get blacklisted by 
sites that just blindly accept everything on the first try.  They're 
taking a hit for the team so you don't have to if you combine it with 

> > You need to take into account false positives as well when you're
> > thinking about effectiveness.  If false positives are greater
> > than zero, effectiveness is near-zero.
> You need to make assumptions, and mine are that people send mail
> according to the accepted infrastructure, which is to use
> smarthosts.

OK, fine, but don't expect to get much mail as people start realizing 
they can do it better than their ISP can.

Paul Johnson
Email and Instant Messenger (Jabber): [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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