[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 04/01/2005 11:46:25 AM:
> MJ,
> I don't really know myself what the procedures are, but I'm CCing the
> trademark list on this for their feedback.
> -- John
> On Fri, Apr 01, 2005 at 05:11:30PM +0100, MJ Ray wrote:
> > SPI board members,
> >
> > The debian project leader recently reported problems with the
> > debiangnulinux.com and .net domains to the debian-project
> > mailing list.
> >
> > What is the current advice on chasing down "bad faith"
> > registrations including the debian trademark? Can any SPI
> > contributing member help, and does SPI have any organised
> > way to do it? I didn't find this on the SPI or debian
> > trademark pages.
> >
> > It looks like anyone affected can trigger some domain dispute
> > procedures. I can't send a strong cease-and-desist myself. I'll
> > send one to a dubious debian domain holder next week if not
> > persuaded otherwise and try to start dispute processes later.
There is no one best approach to domain name problems, because there are many competing jurisdictions in which to resolve these disputes. Most of the issues we have dealt with so far have involved domain names registered in country code TLDs that do not follow the UDRP procedures, and I have recommended in those cases that SPI find local pro bono counsel in the country in which the domain is located. However, where UDRP is available, a cease and desist letter followed by arbitration is usually the most efficient and inexpensive option. If you forward me the the information about the disputed domain and the relevant correspondence, I will take a look.
Best regards,
Gregory Pomerantz
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
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