Hm. I meant to send this to -vote - sorry about that.

Matthew Garrett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel Ruoso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> * I had recently post a message to debian-project[1] suggesting that we
>> could plan structural changes in Debian, I mean, We all know that
>> "Debian releases when it's ready", but few people know what the "it"
>> means. For example, if the init maintainers decide to define the locale
>> environment variables at the boot process, many packages would break
>> and then Debian would be far from being ready. I'm not criticizing this
>> structural changes, but I do think that the DPL could coordinate this
>> sctructural changes in a way more people know what it means by "when
>> it's ready". I would like the candidates to comment on this topic.
> I think it would be helpful if (in future) the release team would
> communicate their list of release criteria well in advance of their
> estimated time of release. Having some idea of what needs to be done
> before a release will even be considered would make it easier to
> maintain motivation - there's been various times during the past 18
> months or so where people have voiced incredulity at the idea of us
> performing a release at any point in the near future, and that makes it
> significantly harder to concentrate on working towards that release.
> -- 
> Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- 
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Matthew Garrett | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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